Monday, 2 May 2011

Back to the Future

Sum up the past 4 months of my life? Haha. Okay for you , I'll try. But I must tell you something really funny before. I just found out time does not actually exist. HAHA.
Don't you often have it, the feeling that '' it was just yesterday'' ? It gets more confusing when you travel.
I sometimes think that yesterday I was in dear Brighton having my last dinner with my best friend in that pizza place that we love , wondering ''what the hell am I leaving for? '' and wondering again as I showed up at the hostel I had been working at for a year and everyone was there to say good bye. And again as I was spending the night on Stansted Airoprt's freezing floor ( yeah you kind of have to do that if you want to travel cheap. Aka '' Air Asia'' )
And some other times I think everything that happened prior these 4 months was just a dream, or maybe a paralell Universe. Yes it gets more complicated when you also have a home country called France that you left 3 years before that. Another paralell universe. Yet I have been the French Girl from England for quite a while. And now I live in Australia. I can almost call myself a '' citizen of the world'' but everyone I met who ever call himself or herself that was crazy. Like proper mad.
So I decided that time can only logically exist. But it doesn't really.
One day you're listening to Michael Buble for breakfast at work in a backpackers' hostel in the UK , the next day you 're singing Celine Dion at the top of your lungs with a 50 year old american ex priest in the Malaysian jungle.
One day you're helping a friend in his cafe for a laugh in the UK the next thing you know you are hired in a cafe in Australia.
One day you're scared shitless to drive for 1h in your own country , blink and you'll be on an amazing 6h roadtrip with your car accross Australia. With no fear at all.
One day you're  running a backpackers hostel , the day day you 're being told what to do by a 14 year old because she's been here longer than you.
One day you are eating cookies with Australians in England celebrating God knows what , you just know it's a day in April that's important to them, and the next day you're up at 5 am drinking beer with ex soldiers at the ANZAC Day Dawn Ceremony in a little village of New South Wales.
So it's not about Time mate , it's about the Lesson.
Lessons I've learnt... quite a few already. Such as :
Animals are your friends , just let them be. Especially scorpions in Malaysia or pythons in Australia. Sorry to the frog I flushed the other day by the way. You just don't think when you go to the loo at 4am
A good wild pig is a dead wild pig ( in Malaysia)
Never trust a Rooster named Sarkozy ( in Malaysia)
You can survive without facebook for 10 days. sleeping in a barn in the jungle with no electricity.
And other stuff I won't bore you with.

Okay so this is the last attempt I will make to be chronological. Ready? Go.
10th January. Stansted floor. Freezing.
12th January 6am. Hot and sweaty Kuala Lumpur
9 am. broke anti globalization rule number 1: went to Starbucks. Tired, worn out, culture shocked, wtf am I here already?
14th January. Bus ride to Lenggong where I though I was volunteering in a farm for 10 days
14 th January 5 km ride in a 4x4 up a mountain ( with no actual road) in the jungle where the farm actually was.
14th January Complete loss of landmarks
15 th January Realized you can either fear for your life and go or forget all you know ans stay.
18th January I forgot all I knew
24th January. Back in Kuala Lumpur. City shock. Life in incredibly easy.
25th January freezing Air Asia flight ( blankets are 15 pounds) to Coolangatta Airport , Gold Coast Australia
25th January. Proper Aussie BBQ for Australia Day in a Backpackers hostel. With a swimming pool. Yay. Forgot to put sun scream on. Ouch.
26th January start volunteer work in a Bed and Breakfast in Mount Burrell. Start of an amazing 3 months adventure in the bush with John and Sue , my soon to become Australian parents.
8 feb I buy my new travel buddy '' Chouchou'' ( just for the fun to hear Aussies say it. So cute) my 26 year old toyota Corolla. Scary experience driving on the left side , then on the right side then in the middle.
28 feb I apply for a school job in a primary school. Did not get the job but they loved my accent.
10th Feb my 18 year old french housemate leaves me. I will not speak french for 3 moths after that
1 st March - 10th March I managed the Bed and Breakfast with my new friend Karen who's also a neighbour.
10th March my saving are going '' Down Under'' . Urgent need for a job. I go ''downtown'' to Murwillumbah ( this is a test . If you can prononce that name properly you've become an Aussie) Job trial on the very same day at '' New Leaf Cafe''. Got the job yay
End of March. I take Chouchou to Armidale . 6.h01 one way.  to see friends I met back in England. I eat snails for the first time in 15 years.
15th April Start to make plans to go traveling
15th  April My new friend from work Philippa  offers me to move in with her and her 7 year old son in Town
16th Apr Chouchou 's REGO /MOT is due.No money. No traveling
27th April Chouchou passes the test. Yay
27th April I realize car insurance is also due. No Traveling. Again.
29th April I decide to move to town with Philippa beginning of May. New adventure.yay.

Bored? Yeah me too. Time sucks .So does life If you miss the lesson. But if you don't , life is a laugh hey. Open your eyes, lay back and there will be '' no wucking furries'' mate :)

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